Ladenabend Craig Greenberg, Maria Neckam
Craig Greenberg has been hailed as NYC’s most acclaimed post-millennial piano man. Over the past 15+ years, the native New Yorker has been a staple on the city’s music scene, capturing and building on the spirited ivory traditions of greats like Billy Joel, Ben Folds and Randy Newman with sparkling, soulful new musical twists, a larger than life personality and his insightful, dramatic sense of storytelling. Craig has independently released 5 albums (his most recent EP, Between the Sea and the Sky, released in Dec 2022), with new releases slated for fall 2024. He has performed upwards of 1000 shows, since his start playing in bars while living in Chile, and later Spain, in the early 2000s. His songs have received praise in American Songwriter, the Huffington Post, Relix Magazine, and have been played on radio stations all around the country and internationally (as well as locally on WFUV). His latest music video for “Between the Sea and the Sky” has received multiple film festival awards, including winning “Best Music Video” in the Around International Film Festival (Barcelona) 2024. The single “Oh Caroline” off his 2020 full length release, “Phantom Life”, placed in the semifinals of the International Song Competition in 2021. He has performed everywhere from Lincoln Center in New York, to Israel and Cambodia, and with esteemed musicians such as Jackson Browne, Chris Barron (Spin Doctors), Jane Wiedlin (the Go Go’s), Louise Goffin, and Jerry Joseph.
Maria Neckam ist eine Singer/Songwriterin, die 17 Jahre in Brooklyn gelebt hat und seit kurzem wieder in Österreich ist. Nach ihrem Jazz Studium in New York hat sie sich mit einem unverwechselbaren Sound und vielseitiger Stimme einen Namen gemacht – gepriesen von der New York Times bis zu NPR und Le Monde in Frankreich als „Wegbereiterin“ und „Naturwunder“. Sie hat zahlreiche Alben und EPs veröffentlicht und arbeitet gerne mit Produzenten Jon Cowherd (Brian Blade & the Fellowship) und Benjamin Lazar Davis (Joan as Police Woman, Maya Hawke). Ihre Songs lassen sich am besten als Indie-Pop mit alternativem Touch beschreiben, der an Künstlerinnen wie Fiona Apple, Regina Spektor und Joni Mitchell erinnert
Maria hat ihre Stimme auch den Projekten zahlloser anderer Künstler geliehen, beispielsweise der vierfachen Grammy-Preisträgerin Erykah Badu, dem Komponisten Ted Hearne und dem Brooklyn Philharmonic Orchestra, Hip-Hop-Produzenten Mesta Bish, Indie-Rock-Künstler David Bronson und Schlagzeug-/Tabla-Virtuosen Dan Weiss.

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